Our Vision


The King’s Chapel has an apostolic-prophetic calling as a Bible-centred church to further the Kingdom of God through reaching the lost, developing a culture of worship, training up and sending out ministers, and establishing Christian education.

Our Mission

  • To raise up Godly leaders who will influence laws and policies in the government.
  • To have a global impact by building and developing Godly education in schools.
  • To build a Christian university that transforms hearts and lives.
  • To inspire vibrant strong families.
  • To influence the world through entertainment and the Arts.
  • To embolden a generation of leaders who are ‘ministers’ in their workplace.
  • To be a center for business leaders and marketplace employees: teaching, training and equipping people in Christian principles for ministry in their spheres.
  • To cultivate a church that knows that God has placed them as ministers of the gospel is their vocation.

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