Senior Minister

Dr Gerry & Ps Maureen McCoy

Dr Gerry was born in Ireland and emigrated to England as a child in the 50s. He met his wife, Ps Maureen, in Nottingham England, and moved to Australia in 1965 just six months after they were married.  After being radically converted in a Catholic charismatic service in the late 70s, he accepted the apostolic call of God on his life and started what has become The King’s Chapel and The King’s College.

In 1986, The King’s Chapel opened The King’s College, as a ministry of the church. Senior Pastors Gerry and Maureen McCoy felt the call for establishing Christian education on the heart of the church, undergirded by the promises in Proverbs 22:6 that if you train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old, he will not depart from it, the team laid the foundations for the College to become what it is today.

In 1991, the Church purchased 26 acres of land in Wellard, which was an old pig farm in an area filled with fruit and vegetable growers. Today the College has grown to over 800 students with a Primary School opening up in 2024 on the land next door.

As a church, we believe and empower everyone for marketplace ministry, we are all ministers of the gospel in whatever sphere of life we are in. Everyone is called to preach the gospel to the lost and to disciple them in their new walk.

His powerful yet straightforward approach for building a great church is to keep Jesus, and a passion for building God’s Kingdom, the centre of everythingOver the years, we have started schools and churches in Indonesia and believe that God has called us to start a Christian University in the future.

Together with his lovely wife, Maureen, they are dedicated to cultivate this heart for souls in The King’s Chapel. They have five boys, Damian, Declan, Gerard, Mihael and Daniel (their deposit in heaven), and two girls Kerrianne and Maighread and fifteen grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

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