Child Dedications
Child dedications are a spiritually significant milestone for your whole family. When you dedicate your child, you’re committing to raise them in an environment where they hear about Jesus and have an opportunity to accept Him.
The Dedication Service provides you with an opportunity to publicly express your desire to lead and spiritually nurture your child in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, so your child will develop a desire to love God and love others.
These dedication services are held a various times throughout the year.
Let’s parent together—trusting that with multiple voices and collective influence, our kids will be trained up in the right ways they should go.
To register your interest, please sign up below.
Getting baptised is important, but not because it saves you. The grace og God through faith in Jesus is what saves you. Getting baptised is all about telling the world about the change that’s already happened inside of you.
If you’ve put your faith in Jesus Christ (even long ago), you need to be baptised in water. We will be teaching on the meaning of water baptism and praying with you as you get ready to step into Christ’s resurrection life through baptism during these services!
If you’ve decided to get baptised, we are so excited for you! Make sure you invite your friends and family to celebrate with you as you publicly acknowledge that you have decided to follow Jesus.
To register your interest in being baptised, fill out the request form below.
Pastoral care
Do you have a pastoral care need and would like someone to stand in faith with you?
Our team would love to meet you and stand together with you to believe that God will bring your breakthrough.
Our pastoral care initiative is designed to support men and women who are overcoming and/or recovering from life-controlling issues and challenges. The support aims to develop accountability and allows each individual to grow in their spiritual and personal lives as they continue to pursue the difficult road of recovery.
Submit your pastoral care request by clicking the link below.
Home visit / Hospital visitation
At The King’s Chapel our Pastoral Care Team are available to visit you when your life takes an unexpected turn.
Don’t worry about being an inconvenience—this is why we’re here!
Whether it’s an upcoming, scheduled surgery or an unexpected hospital visit, we would love to stop by and spend a few brief moments praying with you, encouraging you, and letting you know you’re not alone. We’ll also visit your home, rehab centers and nursing homes, as needed!
This ministry provides the opportunity for struggling families to gain support in spiritual and emotional areas, while establishing stability and engaging in community.
Submit your hospital or home visit request by clicking the link below.
Pastoral Care Enquiry